Posts Tagged ‘binary’

A couple of months ago, it was major news that a bill was proposed in Florida to prohibit transgender people from using public, single-sex restrooms that do not match the sex they were born as. I saw arguments for and against, and eventually the story disappeared into the cyber dust that gets stirred up as […]

“Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning.”  ~Maya Angelou I am surrounded by an ongoing debate about words. Whether or not to, what does it mean, who can use that word, how do we write policy around using that […]

Being enough

Posted: 25th August 2013 by admin in Blog
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Newer national research informs us that the average coming out age for LGBT kids has dropped to 13 years old across the country, down from 19 less than a decade ago. With this change, we are also seeing a shift in how old kids are when they start to wrestle with their own awareness of […]